28-30 Jackson Street, Toorak
ESCOR PROPERTY & private family
Toorak Place is a retirement-focused mixed use development incorporating prime retailing, boutique offices and residential development.
Designed by SJB Architects and constructed by Probuild the project involved the construction of a new seven level building, and three basement levels, on Jackson Street linking to the existing adjoining The Place building.
The total development contained 55 retirement apartments, 1,335 sqm of retail arcade, 3,330 sqm of commercial space, seven home offices and 235 basement car spaces over 3 levels.
Developed under the supervision of Daniel Burger and Paul Abrahams (whilst at Escor Property) responsibilities included:
Owners representation & development management
Joint venture formation
Feasibilities & site negotiations
Development strategies
Management of design & town planning
Tender & negotiations re: purchase of council land
Negotiations with council, retailers, & stakeholders during extended planning & VCAT process
Builder negotiations and development of GMP contract
Negotiations with retirement operator
Sales, leasing & marketing